Are You a Victim or a Victor?

Lori Lynn
3 min readDec 13, 2021

You can’t control what happened to you, but you can reframe how you view it

Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

Let’s face it, life is hard. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, how much money was around you, how healthy you are, who you love or who loved you. Life happened and something became a barrier that you had the choice to go through or go around. No matter what, you couldn’t stop ‘the happening’. You don’t get out of life unscathed. You certainly don’t get out of it alive.

When life throws you a curve ball, how do you react? Do you pout and stomp your feet? Do you sit and cry? Do you yell? Do you take a moment to reflect and pause? Do you hide from the world, knuckle under and start over? Sometimes your reactions will depend on the speed of the curveball. Sometimes it will depend on where you are in life, what resources you have, or the amount of energy you have to face what is being thrown at you.

I believe that you are a summation of all the things that happened to you. Each obstacle that has come into your life can be seen positively or negatively. For example, you could see moving to a new city as a burden and loss of friends, or as a new adventure to meet new people and see new places. You could look at a broken relationship and see all the problems and blame the other person or you could look at it as a learning experience and choose to grow from…



Lori Lynn

Maker of magic, writer of words…sometimes it means something