I Just Dumped My Lunch into a Pile of Dog Hair

Lori Lynn
4 min readDec 3, 2021

Sometimes I’ve got to laugh, hopefully you will too

Sunshine as a puppy

The pandemic has changed my life a bit. Instead of wild and crazy mornings with getting my kids onto their school busses and me frantically scurrying about to get ready for work, I can enjoy a few moments of pulling myself together and eventually slinking into the basement once they have safely departed. I load up my laptop and saddle up with my furry co-workers, two cats and a dog. I am pretty focused once I’ve had a few sips of hot tea or apple cider. I comb through my emails thoughtfully unless the older cat decides to randomly jump up and putz on the keyboard or join me on ZOOM during a video chat. I blast my Pandora channel unless I’m on the phone or Zoom and generally I am far more productive than I ever would have been in the office.

So for lunch today I scampered up the stairs from the basement. I made a nice pasta dish and headed to my dining room to eat. I usually eat at my desk in the basement in between clicking keys as I type out emails. I thought the dining room would be a nice change of scenery. The table is piled with papers as I’ve got scattered notes from writing and receipts from medical bills, and of course whatever crazy toys my kids have left in the mess. I thought I could multi-task and declutter while I attempted to eat.



Lori Lynn

Maker of magic, writer of words…sometimes it means something